
Teresa Brannon
Marysville, OH

32” x 39”

The cross stands for God that made us and the Head of our lives.
The names stand for my family he gave me then turned around and took two of them out of my life at a very young age. The flowers are for when they were alive they all liked to watch them grow and were able to smell them. The deer are for what they felt like they were free to run and play. The fish are for the blue sky and the future they once had. The rest of the animals are for that’s what they liked to see when we would go to the zoo. That was our past and now we have a new future to work on because I still have one that still loves all of that. The hearts were for all the love we had for one another. The birds were for them because they wished they could fly high in the sky. The clouds with all of our names in them were for the times we liked to watch the clouds because of the different ways they were in the sky.

A personal note from the quilter:

I am a forty one year old single mom. I had three children but two of my daughters died in 1999. I am serving a twelve year sentence while my oldest daughter is being raised by her grandparents. My quilt is a symbol of my past when we were together as a family surrounded with loved ones.